Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How To Make It In America Analysis

In How To Make It In America, I was able to see what to do and what not to do when trying to create a brand. From the beginning of the show Cam and Ben did not have a plan whatsoever. They simply just went with the flow. When they first created their brand Crisp they were searching for a supplier of denim but payed no attention to the fact that they needed a pattern maker first. This wasted a lot of their time that they could have spent creating a pattern and selling their product. They should have created a SWOT analysis to help identify there weakness’ and strengths. “A SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and can be used in many different situations” (How Brands Are Made, 36). Cam and Ben also did not make very smart investments. They got their loans from a loan shark which ultimately lost them some money rather than make money. One thing they did very well was network. They were always going to events and talking to people that they knew were in the business. “Brands can also use promotion to set a brand experience and product expectation even before the product or service is launched” (How Brands Are Made, 163). Cam and Ben were promoting their brand and trying to talk people into helping them with their product. I think that if Cam and Ben were more organized and created a list of objectives with their brand and the development of it they would have been a lot more successful. They would have been able to identify their competitors, their overall cost to make the product, the time needed, and many other things. “Any successful brand needs to be part of a clearly defined set of objectives. Good objectives are often described as ‘SMART’”(How Brands Are Made, 41). SMART is the minimum objectives that one should look at when starting a brand. It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time. If they would have looked at all these objectives then I think they would've been able to do a lot more with Crisp than just selling 300 t-shirts. 

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