Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Emphasizing your specialty and your five key talents, weaving in your most important values, passions and skills

My specialty is helping people to make fashion choices that will help them show the world who they are. “Branding is a melding of marketing and design, and this crossover between business and creative has generated its own lexicon” (More Than A Name, 9).  My skills and talents allow me to use my business sense and creativity to promote a brand. I am a hard worker and have always been able to do well in school.  As I learn more about the business end of the fashion world I will be able to assess what will be successful and what won’t be.  My creativeness will help a brand expand by providing different solutions for different situations. “The brand language makes concepts easier to explain and is a way of bridging the gap between business expression and creative description in order to describe both the process and the inputs to that process” (More Than A Name, 9). My creativeness and communication skills will allow me to use the brand language to pull people in and get them interested and engaged with a brand.  “Every product or service that operates in a competitive environment needs to be supported by branding and communication to explain to its audience why it exists or why it has changed” ( More Than A Name, 45). My passion for fashion helps me to always be alert to the new trends in the fashion world and to experiment with different ways to work fashion into our lives.  My communication skills and ability to lead others to solutions helps to promote and update a brand.

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